The V Spot

A vegan general store

For a kinder, greener world

Vegan Pancake Recipe 22nd February 2022

Vegan pancakes are easy to make and there’s a massive choice of toppings for them.



  1. If you are making a batch of pancakes, put the oven on low so that you can keep the first ones warm while making the rest.
  2. Put the flour into a large bowl.
  3. Mix the egg replacer with 2 tablespoons of water
  4. Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the egg replacer and a little of the milk.
  5. Beat the mixture with an electric handheld mixer or a balloon whisk while slowly adding the milk. Keep beating until there are no lumps
  6. Allow the batter to stand for 15 minutes
  7. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a flat, non-stick frying pan. It needs to be hot enough that a drop of batter sizzles as soon as it touches the pan.
  8. Beat the batter again. Pour a little of the batter onto the pan and swirl it around to make a thin disc. Use a spatula to work at the edges to stop it sticking and get the pancake moving around the pan. Keep cooking until the underside is light brown in colour.
  9. Flip the pancake and cook the other side
  10. Slide the pancake onto a plate or put it in the oven to keep it warm until needed.
  11. Scrape any batter crumbs out of the pan, add more oil, beat the batter mixture again and make the next pancake.

Here are some recommendations for pancake toppings

The ingredients in this recipe are available from The V Spot.

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